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kreisel  n.— «Instead of rectangular tanks, she and her partner, Debbie Melechinsky, use a piece of 10-inch PVC pipe to round out the corners of the tank. It’s called a “kreisel,” from the German word for carousel...

discordant couple

discordant couple  n.— «In the discordant couple phenomenon, one partner is HIV-positive, while the other remains negative, even as they continue to live together as man and wife or simply maintain a long-term relations.» —“Aids...

reverse cowgirl

reverse cowgirl n. a sexual position in which a man lies on his back while his partner faces his feet to straddle him. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


receipt  n.— «If you hurt your opponent for real, he might “get a receipt,” or return the favor. “It’s like a waltz,” yells Ed, counting off a one-two-three rhythm. “Your opponent is really your partner...


feederism  n.— «It might sound like an unusual thing to have a fetish about but, thanks to the Internet, feederism is on the increase. By surfing the web, feeders and feedees can put a name to their “preference” and find a host...


alpha  n.— «What, exactly, do investors think they are buying when they hire investment managers such as hedge fund general partners? They would probably say something like “the ability to outperform the market”. In...