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Pencil Riddle

Another riddle: I’m taken from a mine and shut up in a wooden case from which I’m never released, yet I’m used by almost everybody. Who am I? This is part of a complete episode.

pencil top

pencil top  n.— «Most commercial companies over-prune palms leaving fronds with a V-shape referred to as a “hurricane cut.” Constant removal of these leaves will result in a condition referred to as “pencil top”...

pencil plane

pencil plane  n.— «The last leg of the trip was by “pencil plane,” as he called it, and he landed in the teeth of one of the worst storms of the season on Dec. 15.» —“Singh aims to put footprint on regional soccer...

pencil push-up

pencil push-up  n.— «One method requires a patient to practice converging on a near target or object —turning his or her eyes inward—at home using a procedure called pencil push-ups (so named because the classic object to focus on was the...

Fox lips

Fox lips  n.pl.— «The new blond is lips, specifically what people inside the industry call “Fox lips,” and they are worn by Fox’s Laurie Dhue, Fox’s Gretchen Carlson, and MSNBC’s Rita Cosby, three top blondes. Achieved in the...


fines  n.pl.— «Screenings are another name for fines. These fines range in dimension from dust-sized particles to small, angular rock chips no bigger than a pencil eraser. They are a byproduct of the rock-crushing process and are a very...

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