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care leaver

care leaver  n.— «Leaving care arrangements must be evolutionary over a period often of many years and links should remain for as long as a young care leaver needs them.» —“Department Of Health—John Bowis Addresses Leaving Care...


zeitgeber  n.— «Light and temperature are the only periodic or quasi-periodic environmental variables to which endogenous oscillation can be coupled: in nature they entrain the endogenous oscillation, thereby controlling period and...


Ediacaran adj. having characteristics of, belonging to, or designating the Precambrian geological period of the Neoproterozoic Era, 600 to 542 million years ago. Also Ediacarian, Vendian, Neoproterozoic III. Etymological Note: < Ediacara Hills...


Ediacaran  adj.— «The term “Ediacaran fauna” refers to a Late Precambrian assemblage of fossils of soft-bodied animals, mainly coelenterates and annelids, first discovered in the Ediacara Hills of South Australia…Sparse...


Ediacaran  adj.— «Geologists have added a new period to their official calendar of Earth’s history—the first in 120 years. The Ediacaran Period covers some 50 million years of ancient time on our planet from 600 million years ago to about...