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whale tail

whale tail  n.— «Another distraction occurs when pants ride low in the back and expose thong underwear, a phenomenon students have dubbed “whales’ tails.” “If you a 16-year-old boy in an English class, and you’ve got...


steaming  n.— «It would be most useful when youths swarm into stores and begin stealing en masse, a phenomenon known in Britain as steaming.» —“This Mosquito makes unruly teenagers buzz off” by Sarah Lyall in Barry...


Jewbu  n.— «There is a phenomenon of many Jews becoming Buddhists, or “Jewbus” as they are called, especially here in the Bay Area.» —“Finding My Religion” by David Ian Miller SF Gate (San Francisco...


presticogitation  n.— «But back to his word, which is—”presticogitation.” By calling up the related “prestidigitation,” the new word calls up a smile of recognition. [James Vanden] Bosch says of his creation...


BIRG-ing  n.— «There is a phenomenon referred to as BIRG-ing or Basking in the Reflected Glow and the BIRG-ing could lead fans and viewers of the Superbowl to undertake purchase behaviors leading up to the Superbowl.» —“Greater...

divorcio al vapor

divorcio al vapor  n.— «The demand for divorce is often so urgent that Ms. Villacres and other lawyers tell of a shadowy phenomenon known as divorcio al vapor—where a man eager to shed a wife files for divorce here and sends a summons to...

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