Home » poop


poop pill

poop pill  n.— «Core temperature is measured by ingesting a pill the size of a multi-vitamin that contains a sensor and a radio transmitter. It sends body temperatures to a receiver every 15 seconds. The pill is digestable, so it’s...


tatter  n.— «Heather and her parents go out with Bret to eat. Instantly, her parents get hammered and start making fart and poop jokes. Bret loves them. Heather goes to ride the mechanical bull, and when it starts “shimmy...

poot butt

poot butt n. generally, a weak, worthless, unworthy, or ignorant person. Also poop butt, pooh butt, and as a single word. Often used attributively and adjectivally. Editorial Note: This term appears to date to at least as early as the mid-1960s...

poop butt

poop butt  n.— «Asked Monday, Beavers quickly denied there was anything misleading, saying “oh, hell no,” before calling Orr a “little poop butt.” » —“He’s ‘a little poop butt’” by Steve...


castings  n.pl.— «The worm’s waste materials, delicately referred to as “castings,” or, indelicately, as “poop,” are eaten by microbes and fungi, allowing them to grow and reproduce and sequester minerals from the soil...


nurdle  n.— «On the origin of the word “nurdles,” used herein recently to describe styrofoam packing pellets…Marge of Novato says that her daughter calls them “ghost poop”; John Minton says the word is a...