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bug  n.— «The lottery is a poor man’s game. Its operators are the slummers of the gambling industry. There are, of course, exceptions. Society women play the “bug,” as the numbers game is called in Atlanta.…Atlanta...

filth fly

filth fly  n.— «Filth flies. Which is another name for a typical housefly, but they occur in such large numbers here due to poor sanitary conditions in the cities.» —“Wasilla man fights pests as contractor for military” by...

kidnapping lite

kidnapping lite  n.— «Abductions for pay have become common occurrences over the past few years in desperately poor Haiti. Experts have taken to calling the phenomenon “fast-food kidnapping” or “kidnapping lite...

fast-food kidnapping

fast-food kidnapping  n.— «Abductions for pay have become common occurrences over the past few years in desperately poor Haiti. Experts have taken to calling the phenomenon “fast-food kidnapping” or “kidnapping lite...

cheese cutter

cheese cutter  n.— «In view of the poor reputation which I recall for the two wire system from the 1960s, I suspect this has more to do with the improved quality of protection in modern cars.…Most modern cars have a passenger cage...

hit the deuces

hit the deuces  v. phr.— «Pretty soon Pavlov is running for his life being chased by a drag queen inmate with a midget broom. Did I mention that Sheila was wearing panties and a homemade bra? The entire unit watched in awe as this went on...

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