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bug picker

bug picker  n.— «“Bug pickers,” Lendall Alexander, 47, a third-generation fisherman from Harpswell, Me., said of the lobstermen. “They’ve got all that lobster to themselves.”» —“Battle in Maine Pits Lobstermen Against...

liar’s loan

liar’s loan  n.— «You rarely hear anything about individual borrowers who tell little white lies, the ones who obtain so-called “liar loans,” but they’re just as prevalent, if not more so. A young New Jersey couple, “the...


fakenger  n.— «For centuries people have done some pretty silly things in the name of fashion, and right now in portland there is a prevalant bikie / “fakenger” fashion. the fact of the matter is that most people around here who choose not...


fakenger  n.— «That messengers like to call each other fakengers on the internet isn’t surprising—look how often nitwits on RBT demand (apparently seriously) whether other posters who disagree with them actually ride bicycles.» —“Re:...


spange  v.— «Along the way, she bums a nickel here, a quarter there. The kids call it “spanging”—begging spare change. It is how they buy food and coffee and cigarettes without selling themselves or drugs.…She tries to...


bump  n.— «In Portland, Ore., employees at an advertising firm can watch indie rock concerts at lunch and play “bump,” an abbreviated form of basketball, every afternoon.» —“Cities Compete in Hipness Battle to Attract...