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turtle  n.— «They say signals on the mall as well as a ridge of concrete domes, also known as “turtles,” will keep motorists in line.» —“TriMet kicks pedestrian study to curb” by Nick Budnick Portland Tribune (Ore...


cupping  n.— «Portland-based importer Sustainable Harvest invited us to one of their coffee cuppings, as they’re called, and it was a good place to learn that tasting coffee is a lot more work than deciding if you want your bagel toasted...

whale tail

whale tail  n.— «Another distraction occurs when pants ride low in the back and expose thong underwear, a phenomenon students have dubbed “whales’ tails.” “If you a 16-year-old boy in an English class, and you’ve got...


KenTacoHut  n.— «I encountered enough Texaco Gas Stations attached to KenTacoHuts to last a lifetime.» —“Where are all the truck stops?” by Charlie Blackmar in Lewis & Clark College Piolog (Portland, Ore...


Claymate  n.— «In the parlance of Claymates, as they sometimes call themselves, anything having to do with Aiken is called “clack.” It’s a contraction of the words Clay and crack, as in crack cocaine, as in, he’s that addictive...


clack  adj.— «In the parlance of Claymates, as they sometimes call themselves, anything having to do with Aiken is called “clack.” It’s a contraction of the words Clay and crack, as in crack cocaine, as in, he’s that addictive...