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Inside Out Day

If you’re looking for yet another reason to buy an infant a present, there’s always Inside Out Day, which some people celebrate as the day when a baby has been out of the womb as long as they were in it. This is part of a complete...

Why Baby Talk?

Why do we speak to babies in high pitched voices? Often our eyes grow wide, we give big smiles, and we talk in exaggerated, singsongy voices because these are the things that infants respond to. Chances are this parental cooing has gone on since...


pregorexia  n.— «The topic of celeb baby weight has even spurred a new phrase called “Pregorexia”—a condition where women get so obsessed with keeping their weight down during pregnancy that they go to extremes with diet and...

nom de womb

nom de womb  n.— «Well, I feel pregnant. Much more so than I did last month with the chemical. This feels like it felt with Joseph, which is reassuring in a way because after all, my entire pregnancy with him was normal and easy, right up...