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Episode 1539

Clever Clogs

Ribbon fall. Gallery forest. You won’t find terms like these in most dictionaries, but they and hundreds like them are discussed by famous writers in the book Home Ground: A Guide to the American Landscape. The book is an intriguing collection...

Off the Pickle Boat

Greg in New York, New York, says that when he looked a bit disheveled, his mother would say You look like Willie off the pickle boat. The phrase goes at least as far back as the 1890s, and the proper name has varied. The person on the pickle boat...

wooly booger

wooly booger  n.— «Wooly worm analysts from miles around, in convention assembled, gravely discussed the state of the 1992 wooly worms’ fur.…Texans, of course, know that this is nonsense. And by the way, we also know that the actual...