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screenings  n.pl.— «Screenings are another name for fines. These fines range in dimension from dust-sized particles to small, angular rock chips no bigger than a pencil eraser. They are a byproduct of the rock-crushing process and are a...


airplane  n.— «Victims described a range of tortures: electric shocks, a technique called “the airplane” in which a victim is suspended from a pole and beaten, hands and feet bound together.» —“Why was I tortured...

dog whistle politics

dog whistle politics  n.— «The Americans call this “dog-whistle politics.” Blow a dog whistle, and you won’t hear much to get excited about. But the target of the whistle…the dogs—will detect a sound beyond the audible...


whale  n.— «Anthony Patrone, president of marketing at Resorts, said the range of available funds for players at the blackjack tournament last weekend was from $25,000 to $300,000. “Mini-whales,” as he calls them. Whales is...

nuclear option

nuclear option  n.— «Morgan Grenfell chose the “nuclear option” and asked Mr Collier to resign. There is, of course, a range of lesser sanctions appropriate to lesser misdemeanours.» —“Collier case seen as shot across bows...

laser dazzler

laser dazzler  n.— «The Chinese-made ZM-87 is perhaps the best known of these blinding weapons, also known as laser dazzlers. It was designed to foil night-vision equipment and burn the retinas of enemy troops and has an effective range of...