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happy-clappy  adj.— «A sometimes member of the Socialist Alliance in Australia, Josh tired easily of the far left’s myopia. The continual “happy clappy” attitude of the left’s revivalism and its dead-end sect perspectives irked...

Tsunami Tuesday

Tsunami Tuesday  n.— «CW holds that dark horses will be hurt most by the 2/5 Tsunami Tuesday, but maybe not. Remember: most GOP contests are winner-take-all. The field could easily split. Maybe Rudy will win NY. McCain gets CA. Romney wins...


overkeeper  n.— «Investigating local records in Erwin, researching state archives in Nashville and absorbing everything he could find online, Carlton immersed himself in the Sparks Circus and the events that followed after a five-ton...


redball  n.— «“Redball” is an old railroad term meaning priority freight.» —“‘Red Ball Express’ Supplied Patton’s Drive Toward Germany” in Washington, D.C. All American Patriots Feb. 2, 2007. (source: Double...


Toxicana  n.— «Texarkana’s Superfund sites lead some to refer to the city as “Toxicana,” says Delores McCright, a Texarkana College professor of biology. The third Superfund site is located at Red River Army Depot near Texarkana...


spang  v.— «One demoralizing aspect of the “scene” is the apparent lack of responsibility demonstrated by an increasing number of tourheads—I mean, spanging at the third show of the tour?» —“Red Rocks notes” by...