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road to Damascus experience

road to Damascus experience  n.— «There are those who regard coming out as a “road to Damascus” experience, a single moment of recognition of one’s “true” self, a gestalt shift in which the label of the derided...

road to Damascus experience

road to Damascus experience  n.— «I refer to it as a “road to Damascus” experience.…When they hear that sound, they realize they have never heard anything like it before, and it absolutely changes their life.» —“Big...

speed table

speed table n. a flat, raised road surface intended to slow traffic. Editorial Note: A speed table is longer and flatter than a speed bump. It sometimes is a part of, or does double-duty as, a raised crosswalk. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

rice cooker

rice cooker  n.— «In the vernacular, Vietnamese frequently refer to helmets as “noi com dien” or “rice cooker” because they are hot and uncomfortable.» —“High road toll pushes Vietnam towards helmet...


scrambler  n.— «Quads, scramblers and mini-motos are legally defined as mechanically propelled vehicles, and when used on a public road or place, they too are regarded as motor vehicles.» —“Mini moto mayhem” Leyland...


JAFA  n.— «The focus of the campaign is driver carelessness and inattention. The road safety push will particularly target motorists travelling from Auckland and will use a variation of the acronym Jafa—Just Another Fatal Accident...

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