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zeese  n.— «The “Boontling” Knox refers to is a sort of argot or private language valley locals developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries using the syntax of English but substituting parts for wholes or referring to...

bucky walter

bucky walter  n.— «The “Boontling” Knox refers to is a sort of argot or private language valley locals developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries using the syntax of English but substituting parts for wholes or...

Deadwood City

Deadwood City  n.— «It is also hard to picture Mount Carmel. Some of the bungalows and gardens on Elwood are cute enough for Carmel-by-the-Sea, but the nearest mount is a long way west. The name comes from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic...


clear  n.— «Montgomery reportedly testified Nov. 6, 2003, that in 2001, BALCO founder Victor Conte gave him weekly doses of human growth hormone and a substance called “the clear”—which Montgomery referred to as a “magic...

filthy stuff

filthy stuff  n.— «Other than a pitcher with “filthy stuff,” as they say in dugout parlance, nothing can kill a hitting streak like over-analysis.» —“Giants take over 1st” by John Crowley Examiner (San...


scanlator  n.— «Would “Fruits Basket”—a quirky romantic comedy about a young girl who becomes the housekeeper for a family whose members are cursed to transform into animals whenever they’re embraced by members of the opposite...