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conehead n. a scientist; a brainy person. Also cone. Editorial Note: Probably influenced by pointy-head ‘a brainy or intellectual person.’ Despite what the 1997 citation says, this term is probably also influenced by a series of skits and a movie...


gasser  n.— «After testing his pulled thigh muscle in a morning workout and running the gassers [a series of all-out 40-yard sprints] that conclude each morning’s chores in the home of the World Champions, Csonka told a writer: “I’ll...


gasser n. a sprint, usually run in series as a form of athletic conditioning. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


tie-down n. one of a series of questions that encourage a customer to agree to a purchase. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

getaway day

getaway day  n.— «By custom, teams play the last game of a series during the day to give the visiting team time to reach the next city at a reasonable hour. By scheduling night games on these “getaway days,” as they’re called...

back door victory

back door victory  n.— «Still more fiendish is the strategy of “playing dead,” again supposedly being employed by the Conservatives. According to a series of pundits, Conservative leader Michael Howard has avoided saying...