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bouma shape

bouma shape  n.— «In visual terms, a word is distinguished by its characters’ relation to the white space surrounding it and the nature of its letter face (for instance, small thin strokes are common to handwriting, and thick short strokes...

bouma shape

bouma shape n. a word’s silhouette, recognizable form, or visual impression. Also bouma. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

bouma shape

bouma shape  n.— «Taylor & Taylor used these Bouma shapes for a study on the text of their own book, and found that the Bouma shape uniquely specified 6953 out of 7848 words in the sample.» —“Off-line Handwriting Recognition: A...

bouma shape

bouma shape  n.— «Some have used the term bouma as a synonym for word shape, though I was unfamiliar with the term. The term bouma appears in Paul Saenger’s 1997 book Space Between Words: The Origins of Silent Reading. There I learned to...


smile  n.— «A reference to the common shape of a graph of at- or out-of-the-money put and call implied volatilities for options with a common expiration date. The name comes from the fact that the furthest out of the money options...


smile  n.— «The pattern of implied volatilities form a “smile” shape, which is called a volatility smile. Most derivatives markets exhibit persistent patterns of volatilities varying by strike…In practice, either the...