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poot butt

poot butt  n.— «What asscrumb coined the phrase “Get my grown man/woman on”? I absolutely hate them for it. Now we got all these poot butt mfs runnin round here sayin that shit. If you doin you, great.» —“Resolutions Are...


shit-up  n.— «Then again, officers working with prisoners who are carrying out a dirty protest (it’s known as a “s***-up” in prison parlance) do get an extra tenner a day for putting up with it.» —“Porridge leaves a bad...

frost a rock

frost a rock  v. phr.— «A Cal Adventures, University of California at Berkeley, is the practice of (get ready!) frosting a rock.. At Colorado Outward Bound and the National Outdoor Leadership School in Wyoming, the same procedure is...

metric buttload

metric buttload n. a large but indeterminate quantity. Also metric ass-load, metric fuck-load, metric shit-load. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


 n.pl.— «My 5 point toes my chevrolegs I aint got shit right now but I use to have 2 72 chevelles but I got my L’S revoked.» —by Daddy Rich RapTalk.net Jan. 21, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


L’s  n.— «My 5 point toes my chevrolegs I aint got shit right now but I use to have 2 72 chevelles but I got my L’S revoked real quick.» —“(what Yall Smobbin)?” by Daddy Rich in San Francisco Bay area, Calif...