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Episode 1589

Deep-Fried Air

Eels, orts, and Wordle! Sweden awarded its most prestigious literary award to a book about…eels. The Book of Eels reveals the mysterious life cycle of this sea creature and its significance for famous figures from Aristotle to Sigmund Freud. Plus...


Cybergeddon  n.— «A new term “Cybergeddon” has been coined, relating to the potential loss of intellectual property, intelligence infrastructure and related industries dealing primarily in data exchange or storage. The target...


hurricaneomics  n.— «Welcome to “hurricaneomics,” a term coined by Louis B. Mendelsohn, who began developing software in the 1980s to analyze intermarket relationships. Hurricaneomics deals with that imprecise slice of...


speak  v.— «Have you gone through a file in a government office. The official language has developed over the years and there seems hardly any change having taken place with the lapse of time.The usual words like “approved,”...

punch list

punch list n. a to-do list (of items requiring immediate attention); any list of significance. Editorial Note: This term is strongly associated with building construction. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


zeitgeber  n.— «Light and temperature are the only periodic or quasi-periodic environmental variables to which endogenous oscillation can be coupled: in nature they entrain the endogenous oscillation, thereby controlling period and...