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Pwned Prose, Stat!

When you get to the end of a wonderful book, your first impulse is to tell someone else about it. In this week’s episode, Martha and Grant discuss what they’ve been reading and the delights of great prose. You’ll find information...

Snotty Weather

A San Diego fisherman notes that he hears mariners talk about snotty weather. “Snotty?” Is it the kind that gives you the sniffles? Or does it cop an attitude? This is part of a complete episode.

sack dance

sack dance  n.— «What prompts this verbal sack dance over the sodden, prostrate corpus of Seattle is the release last week of the new “Places Rated Almanac.”…Naturally, Orange County rated No. 1. And The Soggy City, a...


snotty  n.— «Glass pipes are the way to go, I think. Especially something with a carb, that changes colour when you smoke, like a Snotty, or something.» —“Re: Bong, Pipe, or Joint?” Usenet: alt.drugs.pot Mar. 23, 1995...


snotty  n.— «Anyone who smokes pot knows the many advantages to smoking a “Snotty Pipe”, nothing beats a cool glass bowl.» —“Re: How do U smoke pot?” Usenet: alt.hemp Jan. 5, 1995. (source: Double-Tongued...