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spray and pray

spray and pray  v. phr.— «The old system of spray and pray that the solution purchased would work is definitely headed for the discard.» —“Poison Sprays For Pests Must Pass Inspection” in Sacramento, California Hayward...

compost tea

compost tea n. a solution of organic waste matter used as plant fertilizer or insecticide. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


zeteophobia  n.— «So, what’s zeteophobia? It’s a “coined term” by noted psychologist and Stanford University professor John Krumboltz and means ‘a fear of career planning.’ Among many key ideas he offered, the optimal solution...


repotting  v.— «One common problem is the person who has been in the same job twenty-two years and clearly finds no more stimulus left in it. While a first-class artist never gets tired of his or her work, the rest of us usually get bored...


scatternet  n.— «Ironically, the Bluetooth standard already embodies the solution to increasing range though its “scatternet” profile, embodied in Wi-Fi parlance as Mesh Networking.» —“Keeping short-range wireless short” by...

city ham

city ham  n.— «By contrast, wet-cured hams—often called “city” hams—are brined or injected with a saltwater solution as a preservative. City hams, more mild-tasting and moister than country hams, are far more prevalent because...