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asteroidick  n.— «I have one sports-related suggestion—asteroidick. as-ter-oid-ick (n) symbol: * 1. A star-shaped symbol found in the major league baseball record books to indicate players who used steroids. 2. The slimy stuff that sticks...


microbuddy  n.— «the Illinois inventor came up with a solution—round paper towels. This month the U.S. Patent and Trademark office accepted his application for, as he calls them, “microbuddies,” paving the way for the newest...


curbstone  n.— «By the late 1970s and early 1980s, prosecutors said, Schecter had learned how to “curbstone.” That was the street term for buying cars at auctions and from wholesalers, rolling back the odometers and then...


renderwall  n.— «Remember the movie Toy Story? Well, when Pixar did the rendering on that, they created their own supercomputer to do it. The supercomputer in question was dozens of rack-mounted Sun workstations sans monitors and with...

eye wash

eye wash
 n.— «It is an eye wash. Even the CLP leaders termed it as farce.» —“Reveal talks details: BJP” in Hyderabad Sun Network (India) Oct. 21, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


spin  v.— «Prado also earned the ire of Million-winning trainer Michael Matz, who continued to insist that the determined West Coast reinsman had given him a commitment to ride Kicken Kris in the Million. Instead, Matz insisted, Prado and...