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Taig n. In Northern Ireland, a Protestant epithet for a Roman Catholic. Formerly, any Irishman. Also Teague. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


Taig  n.— «If guns are made for shooting, then skulls are made to crack. You’ve never seen a better Taig than with a bullet in his back.» —“In Belfast, Joblessness And a Poisonous Mood” by Bernard Wienraub New York...


Taig  n.— «They love to mock each other with grim, hate-ridden slogans like “Don’t be vague, kill a Taig (Catholic).”» —“On Belfast’s Walls, Hatred Rules OK” by Paul Majendie Sydney Morning...


Taig  n.— «In Northern Ireland during the 1980s the paramilitaries engaged in tit-for-tat shootings, these days the guns are largely silent but these self-imposed community representatives are engaged in tit-for-tat culture-making, and...

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