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fast line

fast line  n.— «Fast line—Quickest route around the oval and could be on the outside or inside of the track depending on conditions. This also is called the “groove” or “sweet spot.”» —“Learning the Lernerville...


cushion  n.— «Cushion—Clay that piles up in the corners from the sliding cars. Those who prefer to run on the outside of the track can use this to push off and zip down the straightaways.» —“Learning the Lernerville...

hot shoe

hot shoe  n.— «The long chutes and wide sweeping turns of this fabulous clay oval will give these drivers ample room to enjoy life in the fast line as they battle for the checkered flag.…Now let’s find out who’s got the hot shoe...


groove  n.— «Strong winds, gusting out of the south, left the track dry and slick in the low groove and dust-bowl gritty up high.» —“Restart Lets Stone Race To Victory” by Dean Bailey Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma...


groove  n.— «“The Groove”—Slang term for the best route around the racetrack. Drivers appreciate ovals that offer more than one groove, but a few years typically are needed before a new track develops multiple lines that can promote...

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