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logging  n.— «Manatees, also known as sea cows, can travel as much as 50 miles a day but are also known to laze about. “Some of the people that saw it described what’s known as “logging,” or raising its big back up and...

visual guilt

visual guilt  n.— «You might think that given the opportunity to book their own business trips, more people would opt for more-expensive choices, like a nicer hotel or a perfectly timed—and pricier—flight. But travel-management companies...


Rastatute  n.— «For all the talk of romance, the language of sex tourism is pretty basic. In Jamaica the men are called “beach boys” or “Rastatutes.” The women are called milk bottles by the men—partly because of...

milk bottle

milk bottle  n.— «For all the talk of romance, the language of sex tourism is pretty basic. In Jamaica the men are called “beach boys” or “Rastatutes.” The women are called milk bottles by the men—partly because of...

refugee bag

refugee bag  n.— «A two week visa on arrival for $US 14.00, cursory customs, only interested in why we had so many motorcycle parts, and again concerned about why a tourist would be using the disposable red, white and blue refugee bags for...

stuff up

stuff up  v. phr.— «The Singing Budgie’s incapacitation left hoteliers doing the locomotion to move hundreds of rooms at short notice, and Wotif obliged. Wood says Wotif will be hard to dislodge from its dominant position unless it...