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South End of a Chicken

Are your nightstand books all over the place? Why not stack ’em into a bookmash? A bookmash is a kind of found poetry formed from book titles! And we all know that honesty is the best policy. But does that mean you should correct the grammar of your...


alli-oops  n.— «s a result of a nationwide campaign to sell GSK’s new weight-loss drug Alli, (AKA Orlistat, AKA Xenical), it quickly became the fastest selling over-the-counter weight-loss medication. […] But don’t let the scare...

Wii knee

Wii knee  n.— «It is being reported that people who picked up the habit of playing Wii games, innocently thinking that they are just playing some silly little sports game, are finding themselves with the fractures and sprains, that...


platespeak  n.— «Is one of Britain’s best-loved dialects, the curious language of personalised number plates, heading for oblivion?…Those who cannot afford the best plates have been forced to use a bit of ingenuity to get close to...


passporting  n.— «Some banks had been allowed to open branches in the UK through a process known as “passporting,” which meant they were not regulated by the FSA, explained Lord Davies.» —“UK ‘ignored Iceland bank...


have-yacht  n.— «Yacht is seen as another luxury after big houses and big-brand cars, with new words even coined for the City of London—the “have-yacht” and “have-nots.”» —“ Yacht sales to mirror UK...