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Utah claw

Utah claw  n.— «“We have great theme parties. The last one was the white trash party. I had my hair like this,” she says, as she forces her bangs into a four-inch clump off her forehead. “The Utah claw!” exclaims Nicole...

Utah claw

Utah claw  n.— «Actually, it was a “Utah Claw” that led to Roy Horn’s injury. According to the owner of the Mirage, the tiger became distracted by a woman with big hair in the front row. (I can sympathize; I also can’t help but...

Utah claw

Utah claw  n.— «“She had the Utah claw,” Mr. Simington explained, describing bangs that shot up toward the heavens.» —“A Night Out With Tiffani Thiessen” by Jesse McKinley New York Times Mar. 2, 2003...


thumper  n.— «Originally the designers wanted to mount a “long tom” or a “thumper” as the mech’s “main gun” but these proved far too “large” so they settled for the Schlong 2,000 Large Pulse...


wad  v.— «All it is going to take is one senator’s son to wad his R1 (or something) at 160 mph and kill himself or the congressman’s daughter goes for a ride with a squid on a GSX-R1000 who target fixates into a rock wall and bam...


parkitecture  n.— «It’s the first example of what came to be called “parkitecture.” That means it’s designed to blend in with its surroundings, made almost entirely of logs and stones obtained locally at Yellowstone...