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vulture fund

vulture fund  n.— «The government says it is still recovering from a devastating war and faces a new problem: Western investors, sensing a chance to rake in millions, are suing to recover old debts that they bought for pennies on the...

Wit’s War

It’s a brand-new season here on A Way with Words! To celebrate, Martha and Grant are noodling with anagrams— including the one in the title of this episode. This is part of a complete episode.

magic carpet duty

magic carpet duty  n.— «As the war ended, the Munda was used for what was known as, “Magic Carpet Duty,” picking up soldiers and taking them home.» —“Four WWII veterans recall experiences” by Keith...

cut a promo on someone

cut a promo on someone  v. phr.—Gloss: in professional wrestling, to record a promotional video containing taunts and trash talk about an upcoming opponent. «The former Ravens teammates have engaged in a war of words recently—or, to use...

Bent Spear

Bent Spear  n.— «At least five U.S. Air Force commanders are facing criminal charges for allowing armed nuclear cruise missiles to be flown across America.…The incident sparked a so-called “Bent Spear” nuclear alert, one...

war ganging

war ganging  n.— «There is a practice called “war ganging” where if someone has a wireless laptop, they can come and park outside your home, and if you don’t have a router on the system to protect transmissions, they can...

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