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Winter Texan

Winter Texan  n.— «The Rio Grande Valley has become an emerging destination, where seasonal visitors are referred to as “Winter Texans,” instead of snowbirds.» —“Hurricanes delay, but won’t dissuade visitors’ winter...

white knowledge

white knowledge  n.— «I think it’s just a joke; the storming of the winter palace in the Russian Revolution is far more ingrained into people’s “white knowledge.”» —“Re: IT Annotations (spoiler)” by Colm...


Rumtopf  n.— «If it’s late spring, it’s time to start a Rumtopf, the German word for rum pot. You store it for fall or winter use.» —“Yum! Rum and berries create a syrupy treat come winter” by Marlene Parrish The Plain...


politicide  n.— «The insistence by the guerrillas that they are struggling to destroy the Zionist state and the Zionist-structured society that generates such as state is turned by Harkabi into a concept of “politicide” (an...


parergron  n.— «When we apprehend the auditor’s mediating role, we have to reconnect the speaker’s main point (ergon) with what is beside the point (parergon), but the poem itself never confirms that our framing is accurate...