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A Way with Words Blog


jitterbug  n.— «Edward G. Robinson, Humphrey Bogar and James Cagney in the movies, “Gangbusters” on radio, bubblegum “war cards” depicting atrocities, and “zoot suit” riots among the jitterbug set were...


jitterbug  n.— «The big holdup job gets messed up by a couple of “jitterbugs” who are assisting on it, the girl turns out a great disappointment, the gunman is rendered a fugitive with a moll and a dog who love him...


jitterbug  n.— «“Bojack” started robbing parking meters as a 10-year-old; by age 16, he was “a bona-fide ‘jitterbug’—the first lieutenant and known warlord of a very large gang.”» —“On the Edge’ of oblivion: the...


jitterbug  n.— «I’m sure every woman brutalized by some jitterbug incited by gangsta rap is happy to learn that the issue there is fantasy.» —“Re: unspoken media truths…” by Gregor Usenet: triangle...


 n.— «I see you one of those hard ass jitterbugs, huh?» —by Marian Elaine And I Cry Aug., 2001. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


jitterbug  n.— «A third group nearby argued that the NAACP’s more recent threats of boycott probably wouldn’t increase the number of minority production executives or result in even one black person who could greenlight a film. “Man...