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 n.— «Perhaps unsurprisingly, he describes the nation’s welcome of “boat people” in the late 1970s as a positive development. “For a long time it was a pejorative term: ’You’re a boaty, right?'”» —“Those who’ve come across the sea” by Now Kim Huynh in Australian National University ANU Reporter (Canberra, Australia) Spring, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Tiger Tail (episode #1540)

You may have a favorite word in English, but what about your favorite in another language? The Spanish term ojalá is especially handy for expressing hopefulness and derives from Arabic for “God willing.” In Trinidad, if you want to ask...

Spill the Tea (episode #1521)

If someone urges you to spill the tea, they probably don’t want you tipping over a hot beverage. Originally, the tea here was the letter T, as in “truth.” To spill the T means to “pass along truthful information.” Plus...