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These are discrete parts, or segments, of whole episodes.

Smorgasbord vs. Buffet

And while we’re on the subject of sampling lots of different savory things, what’s the difference between a smorgasbord and a buffet? Or is there one? This is part of a complete episode.


The hosts discuss two Obamafications: Obamanation and Obamination. Slate’s book and web widget include many Barack Obama-derived words in Obamamania!: The English Language, Barackafied. This is part of a complete episode.

Origin of Eavesdropping

You’d be forgiven for wondering if eavesdropping derives from the idea of would-be spies slipping and falling from the eaves of a house. But it doesn’t. This is part of a complete episode.

Bye Week

Time for a sports question! If an NFL team has a week without having to play a game during the season, it’s called a bye week. But a caller says he’s also heard bye week refer to a week in which a team draws no opponent. Which is correct...

Etymology of Simping

In our recent episode, Dust Bunnies and Ghost Turds, Grant mentioned simping, a slang term for “the act of pursuing a woman online in a fawning fashion.” What’s the etymological source of simping? “Cyberpimping”...