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Mento Stimulation Puzzle

Quiz Guy John Chaneski has a puzzle based on the candy called “Mentos.” It’s called Mento Stimulation. Example: What kind of minty candy would be appropriate for musicians? This is part of a complete episode.

National Book Awards Word Quiz

Quiz Guy John Chaneski has a special inspiration for this week’s puzzle: His wife, author Jennifer Michael Hecht, is one of five judges for the nonfiction category of the National Book Awards. He’s crafted a quiz based on some of the 500...

Name Dropping Word Quiz

Quiz Guy Greg Pliska’s word game this week is “Name Dropping.” The answer for each set of clues will be a word that has a common first name hidden somewhere in it; when that name’s removed, the remaining letters spell a new...

Initiarithmetic Game

Quiz Guy Greg Pliska reprises his game called Initiarithmetic. The object is to guess a set of items associated with certain numbers, as in “There are 12 m__________ in the y___________.” Here’s another: “76 t___________ in...

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