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elevator speech

elevator speech
 n.— «Elevator speech: a short two- or three-minute briefing.» —“Gold Mine of Gobbledygook” by Bryan Brumley in Washington, D.C. AP May 18, 1989. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Language and Lingo Specific to Utah

The dialect heard in the state of Utah includes lexical items such as the hotdish casserole called funeral potatoes, as well as the mayo-ketchup condiment called fry sauce, and a particular type of scone, also called fry bread. Utah is also known...

All Out Are In Free!

Kylie Ryan, an elementary-school teacher in Seattle, Washington, remembers that when she played hide-and-seek as a child, the call for everyone to come in was alle alle oxen free. Are there other versions? Yes, and because these sayings were not...