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 n.— «Rush claimed that the hearing showed that developer Richard Muller Jr. had “disturbed earth” while clearing the land along Upper Smith Gap Road through a process called “grubbing,” in which stumps, roots and vegetation are removed before excavation.» —“Environmentalist claims builder moved too fast on plan” by Terry Ahner Morning Call (Allentown, Pa.) Apr. 8, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Clever Clogs (episode #1539)

Ribbon fall. Gallery forest. You won’t find terms like these in most dictionaries, but they and hundreds like them are discussed by famous writers in the book Home Ground: A Guide to the American Landscape. The book is an intriguing collection...

Gift Horse (episode #1528)

The edge of the Grand Canyon. A remote mountaintop. A medieval cathedral. Some places are so mystical you feel like you’re close to another dimension of space and time. There’s a term for such locales: thin places. And: did you ever go...