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boot mail

boot mail  n.— «Raytheon Company has demonstrated that a new personal computer application, the PDA 184, eliminates the need for deployed troops to download e-mail files to a disc and hand-carry them from one type of military radio to...


hyzer n. in disc golf or other disc-related sports, a backhanded throw which curves in a direction opposite of the arm used to throw. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


hyzer  n.— «The “angle of hyzer” refers to the angle the “side” of the disc (9 o’clock for throwing from the left side of the body, or 3 o’clock for throwing from the right side) makes with the ground. A disc which...


hyzer  n.— «As precision and confidence increase, expand your arsenal to discs that angle right (in the lingo, a “hyzer” for a right-handed thrower) and left, and a putter.» —“Disc Golf Tries To Put A Spin On Leisure...


hyzer  n.— «Hyzer: When using a backhand throw, the disc’s flight arc, which causes it to fall in the direction opposite of the throwing arm. For a right-handed player a backhand hyzer shot fades to the left, a sidearm shot fades right...


anhyzer  n.— «Anhyzer: A disc’s flight arc, which falls in the same direction of the throwing arm. For a right-handed player a backhand anhyzer shot fades to the right, while a sidearm anhyzer fades to the left.» —“Spin: Learn the...

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