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Typefaces in History

Pity the poor typeface designer, always seeing anachronisms in movies and television. Imagine how painful it must be watching a World War II movie only to see a document printed in Snell Roundhand Bold, a font invented in 1972. Here’s typeface...

Beanplating the Bard

Hi! "It was bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen." In this week's episode of "A Way with Words," we share favorite first lines. Also, beanplating, meeting cute, looking like "a tree full of...


rent-a-frog  n.— «Nowadays, such behavior is strictly prohibited by the fair’s frog welfare policy, a four-page document that outlines rules, including treatment of hundreds of “rent-a-frogs,” which are stored in a cellarlike room under...


dashboarding  v.— «My company really only uses SPS for the document storage—not dashboarding, workflow, etc.» —“Re: Single or Multiple Worksapces Config Question” by Michael Donahue Usenet: microsoft.public.sharepoint...


mica  n.— «When an MPR reporter approached the men, one offers a one-word question—”mica?” which is Spanish slang for an ID that might include a drivers license, a permanent residency card or a Social Security number...

6,000-mile screwdriver

6,000-mile screwdriver  n.— «Well, we don’t know yet. I mean, that is—and again, we’re not going to apply the 6,000-mile screwdriver on that.» —“Lt. Gen. Mike Mcduffie Holds Defense Department Briefing On Refugees” by Mike...