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Chimerica  n.—Gloss: The symbiotic Chinese-American financial relationship, in which there is a great trade imbalance as Americans save little and buy lots, and there is a great investment in American Treasury bills and the dollar by the...

have it large

have it large  v. phr.— «I know that isn’t what US Dollar buyers want to hear but I am doing my best to forewarn you. However, US Dollar sellers are “having it large” as they say in all the best hoodie gangs.» —“Halo...


Barbie  n.— «Fortunately, Brits can take advantage of the weak dollar in a different way, said Stephen Adams in Britain’s Daily Telegraph. Instead of vacationing in the States, we are buying investment homes there. The new army of...

march out of one’s feet

march out of one’s feet  v. phr.— «We received a cell phone photo message from Duncan. It was a picture of his feet. Silver dollar sized blisters had formed and torn away all over both feet. Blood had soaked his socks and boots. He had, in...


money-good  adj.— «“OK, something that Moody’s rates triple-A must be money-good, so I’m going to worry about the other things I’m investing in, but when it comes time to say, ’Where am I going to put my cash?,’...


sterilisation  n.— «Central banks build reserves by creating domestic currency to buy the dollar and euro reserves. This has a cost, via inflation or through what is known as “sterilisation.” Sterilisation costs arise when a...