TagDouble-Tongued Dictionary


 n.— «I want nothing except for this flake of alfalfa hay in the back corner.» —“A Cup of Coffee” by Sean Clancy Bloodhorse.com Aug. 7, 2001. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


dabbing  n.— «A veteran of the Balkans, this general recalled that his troops had a term for routine, pointless patrols. “Dabbing,” they called it, from the caustic acronym for “driving around Bosnia.”...


frankenpine  n.— «Frankenpine is a term used to describe a cell phone tower disguised as a tree.» —“’Stealth Towers’ exhibit focuses on art, not controversy of the I-87 tower debate” by Rebecca Steffan Adirondack...


Featherwood  n.— «A small group of boys calling themselves the Peckerwoods and girls known as the Featherwoods are at least partly responsible for the trouble at Buchanan.» —“White gangs create atmosphere of fear at...


conso-loan  n.— «All members of the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) may now avail of the new GSIS loan procedure known as consolidated salary loan otherwise known as conso-loan.» —“Gov’t personnel now enjoy GSIS conso...


triangulator  n.— «Your husband, President Clinton, who is arguably the most effective Democratic politician in a generation, was often referred to as a “triangulator,” a practitioner of what was termed the third way of...

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