TagDouble-Tongued Dictionary


femtosecond  n.— «Other major U.S. manufacturers are looking into incorporating femtosecond machining systems into their production lines. In manufacturing, new materials are constantly appearing, and the features on all kinds of devices...


femtosecond  n.— «The shortest visible and infrared laser pulses are typically just a few femtoseconds…in duration and contain just a few cycles of the laser field.» —“Beating the femtosecond limit” Physics...


femtosecond n. 10 to the -15th power or 0.000000000000001 second, equalling a quadrillionth of a second or 0.3 light microns. Editorial Note: Commonly used in measurement of light in laser or light-related technologies. Etymological Note: Danish or...

bleeding deacon

bleeding deacon n. a person who believes himself indispensible to a group, esp. a person who becomes so over-involved in a group’s internal management, policies, or politics as to lose sight of its larger goals; (hence) a person with a negative...