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Califernian  n.— «“Every little bit of luck helps,” says the mountain operations manager at B.C.‘s legendary Fernie Alpine Resort.…The town is such a pleasant diversion from the slopes, with its main drag of century-old hotels...

drag and brag

drag and brag  n.— «He wanted to give his students, whatever age and background, an experience they would not forget and one that was tied to the environment around them. He was not a naturalist who would drag a group through the woods...


gravelling  n.— «Soweto youths aren’t alone in their crazy train-surfing habits.…Typically spurred on by whistles and admiring female looks, young train surfers will variously run against the walls of bridge underpasses (“The...


bike-wacking  v.— «Unfortunately, water levels created a washout that changed the face of that trail and left us what is affectionately known as “bike-wacking.” This is similar to “bush-wacking,” but involves not only trying to...

chicken tractor

chicken tractor  n.— «A chicken tractor is basically a bottomless cage or pen of some kind. This is so the chickens can scratch (a chicken’s raison de etre) and eat off of the ground such things as grass, weeds, bugs, etc. In the U.K...

knock and drag

knock and drag v. phr. to go door to door on an election day in search of favorable voters to escort to voting stations. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)