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bag drag

bag drag  n.— «“Why, if we are incapable of transferring passengers’ bags, do we continue to pretend we can.” Faced with the anguish of being separated from luggage, the personal “bag drag” would surely be the better way...

bag drag

bag drag
 n.— «At Las Vegas we had a bag drag, airline parlance for an aircraft change.» —“Non Directional Beacon” by Dave Flight Level 390 (Phoenix, Ariz.) Dec. 5, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

monkey board

monkey board  n.— «Thy driver, like Nimshi’s son—/Driveth/Furiously!/And the cad upon the monkey-board/The monkey-board behind/Scorneth the drag—but goes/Downhill like mad.» —by James Parton Parodies and Burlesques (New York...


junk  n.— «Please contact your editor, and kick him/her in the junk for not deleting that.» —“What a drag it is getting old” by Dylan M. Saint Paul Blog (Minn.) June 29, 2002. (source: Double-Tongued...


hotbox v. 1. to smoke marijuana in an enclosed space so that it becomes filled with smoke; 2. to take a long drag or a quick series of drags on a joint or cigarette. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

handbags at ten paces

handbags at ten paces n. a verbal spat, usually between athletes on the field of play. Editorial Note: Probably related to any number of Monty Python sketches which have the actors dressed in drag, battling each other with handbags, such as in...