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steaming  n.— «Liverpool fans supporting their team in the European Cup would travel to towns in Italy, Spain, Belgium or Switzerland and pick up classy Euro sportswear as trinkets. Trainers, ski wear, track suits were all lifted from...


taxing  n.— «It wasn’t long before people were descending on sport stores with a razorblade to slice off the Lacoste crocodile and sew it on their own cheap three-button polo shirt from the local market. “Taxing” became an...


wab n. a Mexican. Also v. wab or wab out ‘to dress or behave like a stereotypical Mexican.’ Editorial Note: This term appears to be most common in California. Etymological Note: Usually said to be a shortening of wetback, perhaps from the...


takfiri  n.— «The new terrorist is sometimes called “Takfiri”—al-Qaida-trained operatives who shave their beards, shun orthodox dress and only periodically attend mosques.» —“A devil they don’t know” by Mark...


partey  n.— «If our military strategists feel that tear gas and batons would be enough to control an enraged mob of “parteys’ they are deluding themselves. Things have progressed to the stage in Male’ today where almost every...

gay vague

gay vague  adj.— «Many men have migrated to a middle ground where the cues traditionally used to pigeonhole sexual orientation—hair, clothing, voice, body language—are more and more ambiguous. Make jokes about it. Call it what you will:...