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break one off a piece

break one off a piece  v. phr.— «At a nightspot, you offer an arousing female a drink and she accepts. You would ideally like to end up having this girl “break you off a piece.”» —“MuLtIpLe ChOiCe TeSt” by...

beer bully

beer bully  n.— «Empower students to stand up to “beer bullies,” a term coined by a Florida educator. These are students who drink so aggressively that they try to bully other students into imitating or tolerating their...


breastaurant  n.— «Trial began last week in a lawsuit filed by Hooters of America against a rival “breastaurant” operator named WingHouse, which also relies on curvy waitresses to sell sports-bar food and drink to a clientele...


dosia  n.— «What, you think ‘Rips just roll through ‘Ru or Blood hoods and get out they cars , fuck with blood females, hit up, drink, and hit dosia on Damu blocks and Bloods dont react?» —“Dinky (Some L.A. Street...


MOOP  n.— «We want to hand out plastic mugs w/ our camp location on them as an invitation for people to come back to drink tea w/ us and hang out. Much better than flyers which are likely to end up as MOOP (Matter Out Of Place) which is an...


geedunk  n.— «I put cream and raw sugar in my coffee. All motions. I wasn’t going to drink the muddy geedunk. It reminded me of the Mississippi River.» —by James Patterson The Thomas Berryman Number Apr. 1, 1996. (source:...