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reversal  n.— «Barfing—or a “reversal” as they call it in the International Federation of Competitive Eating—is supposed to result in immediate disqualification, probably because it could start a gastrointestinal chain reaction...


gus  n.— «I can almost taste the local “gus,” the term by which asparagus is affectionately known in my household.» —“Eating seasonally is fun and supports farmers” by Andrea Ottem Langley Times (British Columbia...


phood  n.— «The new buzz word is “phood” as meals, snacks and beverages with a pharmaceutical benefit make their way to the U.S. market.» —“Eating for life” in New York City MarketWatch Mar. 23, 2006...


gurgitator  n.— «The two-time defending Coney Island champion, Takeru “The Tsunami” Kobayashi, weighs barely 120 pounds and looks more like a gymnast than a gurgitator.» —“The Amazing, Incredible, Record-Setting Big Mouth...


heatiness  n.— «Eating mangosteens can counter the “heatiness” of durians. Fact: Once again, Dr Zainal said there is no scientific evidence to support this.» —“Prickly heat” by Teo Pau Lin Straits...