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rubber ear

rubber ear  n.— «Predictably the Democratic Party election organisers are giving Curly a rubber ear. Equally predictably Curly is suing the Democratic Party.» —“Sutch and such as those” by Tom Shields in Washington, D...

grease man

grease man  n.— «Life inside the pen must be making Abe Hirschfeld even nuttier. The former Miami Beach commissioner/part-time Palm Beach resident/ spitting machine/would-be Paula Jones grease man claims he swung the presidential election...

dog-whistle politics

dog-whistle politics n. a concealed, coded, or unstated idea, usually divisive or politically dangerous, nevertheless understood by the intended voters. Also dog whistle issue. Editorial Note: A dog whistle is often used as a figurative device for...

dog whistle issue

dog whistle issue  n.— «Every election introduces a new phrase into the political lexicon and the “dog-whistle issue” is 2005’s early contribution. Coined by Lynton Crosby, the strategic guru imported from Australia by Michael...


towel-biter  n.— «I remember what Kerry said during the campaign! What he and his fellow Democratic towel-biters said was that this election wasn’t going to happen.» —“Iraq the vote” by Ann Coulter Townhall...


freeco  n.— «In 1981, as an election gimmick—part of its “freeco” for the 1981 election—the Rent Restriction Act came into being in a refined way. What it did was freeze rents for some people from then until now. What it seeks...