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Shiite banana

Shiite banana  n.— «Iran is heading toward—and it seems unstoppable—acquiring nuclear weapons. Talk in the Middle East is about the “Shiite Crescent” (some refer to it as the “Shiite Banana”). Iran is trying to to...

Shiite crescent

Shiite crescent  n.— «Iran is heading toward—and it seems unstoppable—acquiring nuclear weapons. Talk in the Middle East is about the “Shiite Crescent” (some refer to it as the “Shiite Banana”). Iran is trying to to...

snot rocket

snot rocket  n.— «What andiami of Newport calls a “farmer blow,” my family refers to as a “snot rocket.”» —“From collie to rug to chickadee to nest: It’s nature’s way!” by Sharon Pioneer...

farmer blow

farmer blow  n.— «What andiami of Newport calls a “farmer blow,” my family refers to as a “snot rocket.”» —“From collie to rug to chickadee to nest: It’s nature’s way!” by Sharon Pioneer...

sun break

sun break  n.— «My son and his family arrived in Seattle in July and luckily got exposed to the city’s summer sunshine. They are now adjusting to its rainy season, meaning you put on your raincoat, unfurl you umbrella and keep going...

anchor child

anchor child  n.— «They are “anchor children,” saddled with the extra burden of having to attain a financial foothold in America to sponsor family members who remain in Vietnam.» —“A Profile of a Lost...

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