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foot fault

foot fault  n.— «TEI is highly concerned that even the slightest misstep—a mere foot fault—by a corporate employee could lead to Draconian personal penalties.» —“Misrepresentation of a tax matter by a third party” by John M...

foot fault

foot fault n. in jurisprudence, a minor criminal or procedural violation; a legal misstep. Etymological Note: This is a direct borrowing from net-based sports, such as tennis, badminton, and volleyball, where a foot fault is the placement of a foot...

foot fault

foot fault  n.— «[Antonin] Scalia, the only justice on Favish’s side today, puts it bluntly to him: “We have relatives here who will be very much harmed. You’ve demonstrated some foot faults, the investigators made mistakes. Who...