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Stinko de Mayo

Stinko de Mayo  n.— «The 70,000 head here every year for the Mexican holiday “Cinco de Mayo.” Or as it is known locally “Drinko de Mayo.” And “Stinko de Mayo.”» —“Cup fever—sorta” by...


stakey  adj.— «Cabin fever or stakey. Used in reference to lumberjack who is restless and wishes to quit work.» —“Lumber Industry Slang and Jargon” in Maine, Iowa, Mich., Wisc., Ore., Mont., Ark., Wy. Lexicon of Trade...


heatiness n. a characteristic of certain foods or stimulants said to cause emotional or physical reactions associated with temper, fever, passion, excess, or true heat. Editorial Note: From Chinese culture and medicine. (source: Double-Tongued...

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