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red light fever

red light fever n. 1. excitement or unusual behavior when confronting a recording device, specifically: nervousness, giddiness, or talkativeness in front of a live microphone or video camera; the desiring or seeking of media attention. 2. in...

red light fever

red light fever  n.— «The weather could have been better this past weekend, but many racers bundled up and braved the elements to try to win a little money. It seems everyone had red light fever. Four out of five finals at Coles County...

red light fever

red light fever  n.— «Around 1970 aged 10 my Dad and I went into a booth in Victoria Station where you could record a “45” seven inch record. (like in the video for “Tribute” by those joke heavy metal idiots…...

red light fever

red light fever
 n.— «David Cone had red light fever and never killed the team.» —“Will They Have A High Sign?” by Steve Lombardi WasWatching.com Jan. 24, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

red light fever

red light fever  n.— «And he will be back for another season of Enough Rope next year. “When I finish with television, I’m not going to be one of those people who’s hankering…for what’s called “red light fever’—I’m always...

Drinko de Mayo

Drinko de Mayo  n.— «The 70,000 head here every year for the Mexican holiday “Cinco de Mayo.” Or as it is known locally “Drinko de Mayo.” And “Stinko de Mayo.”» —“Cup fever—sorta” by...

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