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finger trouble

finger trouble  n.— «The system is user friendly, provides comprehensive computer data-checking features and is robust to operator finger trouble.» —“Conference Abstracts” Journal of the Operational Research...

finger trouble

finger trouble  n.— «Finger trouble on the control panel is my big worry. Unlike the passive taps where I can (and do) get the wrong connection on the sniffer, such a mistake on an active patch panel could disrupt a live connection...

finger trouble

finger trouble  n.— «The only way to clear the light is by someone with a scanner—some auto elects can do it or a dealer. You probably turned the ignition on whilst disconnecting something under the dash. All it means is that your airbag...

finger trouble

finger trouble  n.— «Customers contacting the Helpline do so for a variety of reasons. Perhaps they don’t understand the remote control, the instruction book or are having problems caused by “finger trouble.” We will—using...

finger trouble

finger trouble n. a problem caused by a typographical error, incorrect settings on a machine, or poor manual dexterity. Etymological Note: This term appears to originate in aviation. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

finger trouble

finger trouble  n.— «It was an assembly error in the car’s in-line six that led to a blow-up and fire as one of the conrods left the scene of the crime through the side of the engine block. Race teams put such failures down to...